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560+ Top 5 Sterne Bewertungen ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

3 Produkte


<p><strong>Luxury grooming products that provide your pet with the ultimate Royal Treatment spa experience.</strong></p>

<p>Made from the finest organic ingredients and fragrance oils, the&nbsp;<strong>pet grooming products</strong> have been developed with the help of one of the world’s top human cosmetics manufacturers, world-renowned veterinarians, and other pet experts from around the world. Formulated in the cosmetics laboratory on the outskirts of Tuscany, Italy, all the grooming products are PH-balanced for your pet’s sensitive skin. They contain no harsh surfactants (drying foaming agents) commonly found in pet grooming products, which can lead to dry and irritated skin. Allarabens and soaps have been omitted too and replaced with coconut and vegetable oils.</p>

<p>The products combine science with nature and are made from the highest quality 100% handpicked natural and organic ingredients. They are tearless, eliminate bad odors, are suitable for puppies, and can be used in combination with flea and tick medicine. Vet approved, our recipes soothe and moisturise a dog's sensitive and delicate skin, creating a silky, glossy and shiny coat.</p>

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